Post Root Canal Care Instructions

Congratulations! By saving your tooth with root canal treatment, you have made a significant step towards better oral health. Your treatment has now been completed and the root canal system has been sealed. However, the outer surface of the tooth is sealed with a temporary filling. Root canal treatment is only one step in returning your tooth to full function: proper final restoration of the tooth (crown) is extremely important in ensuring long-term success.

It is normal to feel some tenderness in the area over the next few days and sometimes weeks as your body undergoes the natural healing process. Generally, the tooth is tender to biting pressure. The discomfort varies with the severity of the endodontic problem you came in with, but your tooth should continue to feel better each day after treatment. Most symptoms respond very well to over-the-counter pain medications. Your tooth may continue to feel slightly different from your other teeth for some time after your root canal treatment has been completed and this is completely normal.

Post Care Instructions

  • Do not eat until the numbness has worn off. This will prevent you from biting your cheek or tongue.
  • A follow-up restoration must be placed to protect your tooth against fracture and re-infection. We recommend that you see your dentist within 2–4 weeks after root canal therapy for the final restoration.
  • Do not chew on the treated tooth until the final restoration has been placed. Please telephone your general dentist for an appointment. . If you have a temporary filling, it is not unusual for a thin layer or small portion to wear down between appointments. The temporary may sink slightly giving the impression that it has come out. If you feel that the entire temporary has come out, please contact us.
  • It is more effective to control the inflammation that you presented with and from the procedure immediately rather than waiting for pain to begin. We recommend that you take a combination of ibuprofen and acetaminophen at the same time. Studies have shown and our experience indicate that a combination of the ibuprofen and the acetaminophen is more effective than prescription narcotics.
  • If a narcotic is prescribed, it may make you drowsy, and caution should be taken in operating machinery or driving. Narcotic pain medication can also upset your stomach, so it is best taken with food.
  • You may continue your regular dental hygiene regimen including brushing and flossing.
  • A complete follow-up report including X-rays will be sent to your general dentist.
  • Included in your treatment is a follow-up examination to evaluate the progress of healing. This appointment will require only a few minutes and no additional fee will be charged for the check-up visit. Your follow-up will be scheduled between 6 and 12 months following your root canal therapy.